November 8, 2022 YPB Marketing

Understanding smart packaging

The design of product packaging was brought in with the core purpose of protecting the contents of packaged goods. Now in a world with a wide range of products on the shelves in shopping malls. Brands are learning the importance of having effective packaging design in today’s marketplace. One of the ways to accomplish this is with smart packaging.

What is smart packaging?


Smart packaging refers to the package that connects the physical world to the digital world, helping connect manufacturers, retailers and customers using digital channels. When employing new technologies to be more than just a package your brand allows a product to communicate, be unique and actualised. 


Types of smart packaging for brands and manufacturers


Smart packaging is a generalised term that can be broken down into different types of packaging:


  • Intelligent packaging: Intelligent packaging allows for additional benefits that go the extra mile compared to plain packaging, which is communication. It uses sensors and indicators placed inside or outside of the packaging to monitor the status of each product.
  • Active packaging: Active packaging uses advanced material technology to provide purposes like thermoregulation, moisture and bacteria control, to improve the shelf life of the contents during storage.
  • Design-led packaging: Design-led packaging refers to packaging design that is curated to enhance the product and its function, supporting value perception and enriching the user experience. 
  • Connected packaging: Connected packaging allows brands to capitalise on their product packaging. Brands are able to motivate users to scan the QR codes or sensors on their products where they can collect consented first-party data and third-party data. This access to data creates a better understanding of who the brand’s customers are. This understanding will help a brand generate meaningful marketing campaigns based on the customer data results using connected packaging. 


Aside from boosting sales, smart packaging is an essential tool to promote awareness and drive education among customers on a brand or product’s unique selling position and communication through gamification. 


Benefits of smart packaging


Now that we know the different types of smart packaging and what it is, let’s dive into what it can do for your company.


Quality control: Smart packaging can monitor the condition of each product and notify you when it is good or defective by the use of advanced sensors and indicators, offering you easy access to quality control.


Production of counterfeit-proof goods: Many manufacturers can fall victim to product substitution, counterfeiting and theft. Smart packaging is your go-to solution to provide your business with a counterfeit-proof product.


Forecasted planning: Smart packaging solutions give manufacturers the ability to automatically forecast when goods may be in short supply, and to communicate with clients should they need a replacement. 


Empowering customers: Smart packaging solutions provide an advanced customer interface, giving them additional information including nutritional values through embedded smart codes such as QR codes that can help customers make better purchasing decisions.


Stay top-of-mind: With customers becoming tech-savvy they are looking for innovative experiences through forms of technology. Smart packaging gives brands the upper hand in staying ahead of the competition and continuing to be involved in the customers’ lives through these platforms, that way you are not perceived as technologically outdated. 


Transparency: Lately customers are demanding brands to be transparent, they want to know your brand has better means of acquiring your product ethically and sustainably. Smart packaging is the leading solution to meet this requirement.

Care to know how we can help your company increase its profits with smart packaging?

Learn more about smart packing with ProtectCode:

If you would like to talk to one of our team members fill in this contact form:

Your brand is missing out by not using smart and connected packaging!