June 23, 2023 YPB Marketing

Leverage the Power of Anti-Counterfeiting and Connected Packaging with YPB Connect®

Unlock the potential of connected packaging for enhanced consumer engagement, product authentication, and anti-counterfeiting solutions with YPB Connect®, your brand’s global dashboard for real-time product and document scanning data.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of consumer goods, product authentication and anti-counterfeiting measures have become cornerstones of a brand’s strategy to protect their reputation and consumer trust. This is where YPB Connect® steps up, metamorphosing your physical products into digital assets, optimising your brand protection endeavours, and unlocking the digital power of your product packaging, by bridging the physical divide.

YPB Connect: Your Brand’s Global Dashboard

YPB Connect® serves as your brand’s global dashboard, delivering invaluable data through our suite of authentication technologies. With every scan by a consumer, government officer, or brand manager, you gain a comprehensive view of your product’s journey and performance wether through the supply chain or direct to consumer.

Boosting Consumer Engagement

YPB Connect® enables your brand to tap into a frequently overlooked aspect of consumer engagement – your product’s packaging. Transform traditional packaging from a one-time expense into a continuous investment that provides real-time performance data and consumer engagement. With each scan, consumers can interact with your brand, collect rewards, and you get to expand your consumer reach and fine-tune your remarketing strategies using data driven insights

Real-Time Tracking and Consumer Engagement

Obtain instant access to valuable track and trace data from across the entire supply chain with our BrandReporter® add-on, from product serialisation to secure real-time tracking. This facilitates customised consumer engagement, all easily accessible through a straightforward smartphone scan. Integration is straightforward and efficient, making it a seamless part of your brand’s consumer engagement strategy.

The YPB Connect® Advantage

By using YPB Connect®, you not only shield your products from counterfeiting with digital codes and covert tracers but also get to monitor suspicious scan activity with real-time alerts. The data gleaned from product and document scanning propels your business decisions, empowering you to discover new regions where your products are popular, optimise production, and enhance your brand’s sales and marketing strategy.

Meeting Modern Consumer Needs

In today’s marketplace, price is no longer the only deciding factor for consumers. They seek a holistic experience that aligns with their lifestyle and values. With YPB Connect®, address modern consumer needs effectively and distinctively. Ensure product safety, uphold social impact & sustainability standards, provide health & wellness information, and offer convenience. A smartphone-scannable product allows your brand to meet all these demands and more, building consumer loyalty and trust.

YPB’s Industry-Leading Authentication Technology

YPB Connect® leverages state-of-the-art data reporting to analyse where your items are being scanned and monitors for potential counterfeits. Through ProtectCode®, generate thousands of serialised codes in real-time, and integrate a new generation of anti-copy authentication technology. Utilise MotifMicro® for smartphone-readable authentication technology, and YPB Tracer for covert security. BrandReporter® offers the most versatile traceability solution for B2C businesses, ensuring that your brand is shielded at every step of the journey.

YPB Connect® revolutionises the way brands interact with consumers and the market. Embrace the future of product authentication and consumer engagement with YPB Connect®, and stand out from the crowd.

Find out more: https://ypbsystems.com/en/connect