April 18, 2023 YPB Marketing

Improving the Customer Experience for CPG Brands with Serialised QR Codes and YPB Technology

Enhance ROI on Packaging Spend and Supercharge Marketing Campaigns


The competitive landscape for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) brands is more challenging than ever. With rapidly changing consumer preferences, the rise of e-commerce, and the need for personalised marketing, CPG brands must stay ahead of the curve to drive growth and improve customer experience. In this article, we’ll explore how CPG brands can leverage serialised QR codes and YPB technology to enhance their packaging and marketing strategies, ultimately boosting ROI and customer engagement.

serialised QR code marketing and protection for CPG


QR codes have come a long way since their inception, and the advent of serialised QR codes has opened up new possibilities for CPG brands. These unique, trackable codes provide several benefits:

  1. Personalised Customer Engagement: Serialised QR codes enable CPG brands to deliver tailored content to each consumer, creating a more personalised and engaging experience. By offering exclusive promotions, personalised product recommendations, or tailored educational content, brands can foster stronger connections with their customers and stand out from competitors.
  2. Trackable Metrics: With unique codes, CPG brands can monitor scan rates, user engagement, and campaign performance in real-time, allowing for data-driven decision-making and optimisation. This granular data can help brands understand which marketing efforts are most effective and drive continuous improvement in customer experience.
  3. Enhanced Brand Protection: Serialised QR codes can help combat counterfeiting by providing a secure, verifiable link between the product and its digital counterpart, ensuring consumers receive genuine goods. This increased level of trust not only enhances the customer experience but also protects the brand’s reputation and revenue.


YPB Technology

YPB technology takes serialised QR codes to the next level, offering an all-in-one solution for CPG brands to enhance their packaging and marketing efforts:

  1. YPB Connect: This global dashboard allows CPG brands to monitor and analyse data from their serialised QR codes, providing valuable insights for optimising marketing campaigns and improving customer experience. With easy-to-understand visualisations and customisable reports, YPB Connect empowers brands to make informed decisions based on real-time data.
  2. Anti-Counterfeiting: YPB’s expertise in anti-counterfeiting technology ensures that CPG brands can protect their products and reputation, while consumers enjoy a safe and authentic experience. By implementing advanced security features such as micro printing, tamper-evident seals, and covert markers, YPB helps brands secure their supply chains and maintain consumer trust.
  3. Consumer Engagement: YPB technology enables CPG brands to build interactive and immersive experiences for consumers, driving loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases. From gamification and augmented reality to interactive packaging designs, YPB solutions help brands create memorable and engaging customer touchpoints.



ROI on packaging

Investing in YPB technology and serialised QR codes not only improve the customer experience but also delivers significant ROI for CPG brands:

  1. Streamlined Packaging: By incorporating serialised QR codes into product packaging, CPG brands can reduce the need for additional marketing materials, cutting costs and improving sustainability. This minimalist approach to packaging design can also create a more premium and modern aesthetic, further enhancing the customer experience.
  2. Data-Driven Decisions: Access to real-time data from YPB Connect enables CPG brands to make informed decisions on packaging design and marketing strategies, maximising ROI and driving growth. Brands can identify which packaging elements resonate with consumers, test new designs, and optimise their marketing investments based on actual performance data.
  3. Increased Customer Lifetime Value: A personalised, engaging customer experience leads to increased loyalty and repeat purchases, ultimately driving higher customer lifetime value. By nurturing long-term relationships with consumers, CPG brands can boost their bottom line and create a sustainable competitive advantage.



marketing with serialised qr codes

To fully leverage the potential of serialised QR codes and YPB technology, CPG brands must incorporate them into their marketing strategies:

  1. Targeted Promotions: Using the insights gathered from YPB Connect, brands can develop targeted promotions that resonate with specific consumer segments. This tailored approach not only improves the customer experience but also increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and drives higher conversion rates.
  2. Cross-Channel Integration: Serialised QR codes can bridge the gap between physical and digital channels, allowing CPG brands to create seamless, omnichannel customer experiences. By integrating serialised QR codes into social media, email, and in-store displays, brands can enhance their reach and create multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey.
  3. Continuous Improvement: As CPG brands gather data from their serialised QR codes, they can continuously refine their marketing campaigns and customer experiences. This iterative approach allows brands to stay agile, respond to shifting consumer preferences, and maintain a strong competitive edge in the market.


Enhance ROI on Packaging Spend and Supercharge Marketing Campaigns

In today’s dynamic CPG landscape, brands must adapt and innovate to deliver exceptional customer experiences and maximise ROI on their packaging and marketing investments. Serialised QR codes and YPB technology offer a powerful solution for driving growth, enhancing brand protection, and nurturing long-term customer relationships.


Now is the time for CPG brands to harness the power of YPB technology and serialised QR codes to elevate customer experience and unlock new growth opportunities. Get started today and transform your packaging and marketing strategies for a brighter, more successful future. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your brand and outperform the competition. Visit Smart Packaging for CPG  to learn more about our innovative solutions and how they can revolutionise your brand’s customer experience.