March 3, 2021 YPB Marketing

How YPB’s MotifMicro™ smartphone readable technology is at the forefront of brand protection

As counterfeiting becomes more and more of a threat, the question for many brands and supply chain service providers are what options are available and which are most effective to combat this global problem. By 2022, it is predicted that there would be an estimate of $2 trillion in counterfeit goods in the global market. The accelerated growth of counterfeiting at 15.6% each year, undercuts brand value and puts consumers at risk. While there are various measures to counter the problem, one highly effective solution is to adopt physical brand protection technologies.

Advancement of anti-counterfeit solutions – are your measures up to date?

As counterfeiters become more sophisticated, so have brand protection technologies. For many brands who are already implementing such solutions, the challenge is to make sure they are updated with the best possible technologies. Today’s brand protection technology can include machine learning, object recognition and mobile app integrations. Are you using the latest technologies to protect your brand and to increase your consumer engagement?

YPB MotifMicro™

YPB has been in the market since 2011 and was born from deep covert technologies that has had the privilege to supply some of the world’s best companies and government procurement departments and continues to do so to this day. YPB continues to be at the forefront of brand protection technologies and now takes a significant step forward with its new MotifMicro technology. MotifMicro leverages nanotechnology and material science combined with Artificial Intelligence and object recognition to provide brands with a highly reliable way to protect and track products throughout the supply chain process.

MotifMicro can easily be added to a brand’s packaging material from the very early stage of production, whether it’s preparing the varnish, paint or plastics, the product packaging design is left completely undisturbed. In conjunction, YPB has also developed the MotifMicro app that uses machine learning to detect MotifMicro within any packaging to verify authenticity. Click here to apply to be a part of the early licensing MotifMicro program. When released the MotifMicro app will be available via the App store and Google play store along with an SDK for integration for approved brand’s to integrate in their own app environment.

Understanding MotifMicro at a glance:

  • Protected by US and international patents.
  • It is uniquely developed through nanotechnology that cannot be replicated, imitated or destroyed.
  • The MotifMicro is mixed in with the packaging raw materials such as the paint, plastic or varnish. 
  • Authentication happens through a smartphone app that uses the phone’s camera and flash to detect the light refraction and reflection of MotifMicro embedded in the product packaging.
  • The additional step of adding MotifMicro to the process does not impact production time as it is introduced early in the production cycle during the preparation of the packaging raw material.
  • It is invisible to the human eye so diverters are unaware of the existence of authentication material embedded in the packaging that cannot be removed.
  • The MotifMicro authentication process can be used in conjunction with QR technology, GS1 barcodes, and object recognition such as brand logos to identify products and verify authenticity.
  • It is easily scalable given the ease of integration into the production line with minimal operational costs incurred.
  • MotifMicro technology is verified by SGS, the world’s leading certification company, to meet FDA Food contact requirements for US and China. 

Book a demo or visit the MotifMicro product guide to learn more.

YPB MotifMicro returns authenticity control to brands and their buyers, fostering consumer engagement. When MotifMicro is used in conjunction with YPB’s Connect platform (link to Connect article), brands can obtain valuable insights from the first party consumer data that is captured. YPB solutions live by the ethos Authenticity Triggers Engagement.

The Consumer Safety Challenge

With that being said, the changing consumer preference to shop online challenges how brands may ensure brand promise and ensure consumers are in fact receiving authentic products. Accordingly, based on Statista global research, retail e-commerce sales will grow to 6,542 billion USD by the year 2023, from 4,206 billion USD in 2020.

The growth of e-commerce comes with increasing counterfeit problems, as counterfeiters exploit online platforms to deceive unwitting consumers. The risk of which can be devastating
such as long-term health problems, exposure to illegal colouring agents, safety risk, or even buying remorse.

The MotifMicro technology, together with the smartphone app enables brands to readily combat these problems. The versatile brand protection solution gives buyers direct control to authenticate products they are going to buy or have already bought before consuming and using them.

It is without doubt that brand trust isn’t just about having a competitive advantage, but it is also about corporate responsibility to the consumers at a much larger scale. Making the authentication technology available to all and the consumers is a strong display of corporate responsibility and dedication for excellence. This builds consumer loyalty and enables brands to weather any storm.