July 6, 2022 YPB Marketing

Food Traceability Software: 6 Essential Benefits

Food traceability software is an important tool for companies that want to ensure the safety of their food supply. By tracking the movement of food items through the supply chain, businesses can identify and address any potential issues quickly and effectively. In addition to safeguarding food safety, here are six other essential benefits of using food traceability software: 


  1. Quality Control and Product Recalls
  2. Transport Management 
  3. Inventory management
  4. Centralised Cloud Platform
  5. Reporting and Analytics
  6. Brand Protection and Customer Engagement

Quality control and product recalls

Quality Control and Product Recalls

Integrated traceability software tracks products through the supply chain, helping to ensure compliance and mitigate risk in case of a recall. If one were ever needed it would be implemented quickly with the help of a traceability solution! Quickly establish which products may be faulty, how many were produced and where those items went after they left your company’s possession; this will allow you to generate notification letters for distributors as well as create detailed paper trails needed in compliance circumstances.

supply chain management

Supply Chain Management

Improper supply chain management is one of the biggest sources of business loss in the food and beverage industry. A comprehensive food traceability platform must have an optimised supply chain management that helps provide reports on shipments to keep you safe from spoilage while also accelerating delivery time!

When food suppliers are able to provide logistics companies with all the information needed, delivery times can be assured and clients will receive their purchases as soon as possible.

inventory management

Inventory Management

The use of food traceability software and an inventory management system can help keep track of your products in order to ensure that the correct amounts are being shipped or stored for any given time. When you install an invisible anti-counterfeit material or QR code for this purpose then personnel will be able to access relevant information on any product or container with nothing more than a quick scan!

An efficient food traceability software that will also integrate seamlessly into ERP systems can help logistics and receiving teams access information pertinent to a shipment, which is especially helpful in coordinating efforts between third-party logistics companies.

centralised cloud platform

Centralised Cloud Platform 

A cloud platform can provide the ideal solution to manage information in one location allowing businesses to easily collect and manage their data in one central platform. This solution will give both the food business, the distributors and retail access to relevant information regarding their shipment. This solution is ideal for businesses that need to have quick and easy access to their data without the hassle of managing it themselves. Additionally, the cloud platform provides an added layer of security for businesses, ensuring that their data is safe and secure.

reporting and analytics

Reporting and Analytics

The rise of analytics has made decision-making easier for all parts of business operations, and food traceability software should also be benefiting from this trend. An effective food traceability solution requires an automated reporting system that links data to processing systems so up-to-date reports can always give insight into what’s happening within your company’s manufacturing and logistics workflow. 

Excellent traceability solutions not only provide a company with the tools to plan, budget and forecast their operational health but also give them access to valuable insights that can be used for strategic decision-making to benefit the future of the business. 

brand protection and customer engagement

Brand Protection and Customer Engagement

With the onset of new supply chain regulations, the increasing cost of product recalls and the increase in counterfeit products, food and beverage companies need brand protection. According to a study conducted by the Food Marketing Institute and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the average cost of a recalled product for a food company is around, directly $10 million, business interruption, brand damage and lost sales. 

Food and beverage businesses need to make the change from plain packaging and equip their products with smart packaging. Smart packaging refers to products being equipped with QR codes, overt codes or invisible material. These solutions add a layer of security to mitigate the efforts of counterfeiters and have the ability to keep track of each product. 

Consumers are more aware than ever of where their food is coming from, and how it’s being handled across the supply chain. There is a noticeable movement from consumers being able to scan the code on items to authenticate the products. With an innovative solution like this, you can create confidence with your customers, and increase customer engagement by allowing them to be a part of the product’s journey from “farm to fork”.

food traceability software


Food traceability software provides a number of essential benefits for food businesses of all sizes. These benefits include inventory management, cloud platform, product recalls, transport management, reporting and analytics, additionally brand protection and customer engagement. If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that will help your business manage its food safety risks and protect your customers, look no further than YPB. To find out more about our traceability software and how it can benefit your business, please get in touch with us today.


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